Course abstract.

As we age, changes in the shape of the lower jaw, combined with loose skin from the mid-face create a blunting of the sharp jawline associated with youth.

During this masterclass, Dr Simon and Dr Emma Ravichandran will discuss the anatomy of the jawline and lower-face for the purpose of complete rejuvenation.

Another area you will look at is full-facial assessment to ensure your client is comfortable with how their treatments will fit in alongside the rest of their facial features. They will also discuss how to consult your patient to minimise the risks of any complications arising.

Finally, they will talk about the use of Hyaluronidase in the event complications do occur in the clinic.

The ATA tutors will show you how to use dermal fillers to correct and camouflage areas to recreate a sharper jawline. Delegates will observe jawline & lower-face treatments be performed by our faculty. You then have a practical session where you will assess and treat your own patient under the supervision of our faculty.

This training course is conducted under supervision and legal responsibility of Dr Ravichandran and A.T.A. Glasgow.

Course tutors.